Designed to help runners go further, the PATRIOT? 12 running shoe also features a bouncy and cushioned underfoot feeling. This shoe is constructed with a breathable mesh upper to promote better airflow and help feet stay cooler over the course of your run. Complemented with EVA technology in the midsole to create a spring-loaded response this shoe also provides excellent shock absorption. Lastly, the integration of a molded rubber outsole delivers additional support, which stems from the internal heel counter to help the feet stay aligned over long distances.
Dostawa I Zwroty
Dostawa Gratis Od 400zł.
Standardowa Dostawa Trwa 5–15 Dni; Przesyłki Dostarczamy Przez 5 Dni W Tygodniu.
Aby Skorzystać Z Dostawy Następnego Dnia, Należy Złożyć Zamówienie Do Godziny 13:00 Od Poniedziałku Do Czwartku.
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